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Who We Support

So many are counting on our support.

Through our Foundation, we support a number of not-for-profit and charitable organizations that are doing terrific work in our communities and across the state. Here are a few of the many groups we’re currently working with.

SERV Behavioral Health System, Inc.SERV – SERV Behavioral Health System, Inc. is a private, state-wide, not-for-profit behavioral healthcare organization serving adults and children working to recover from serious mental illness or cope with developmental disabilities. Remaining focused on personal dignity and care, they utilize a continuum of services that are tailored to meet individual needs. SERV’s goal is to assist consumers to live and work successfully in their communities. For more information on SERV, please visit their website.

ASAHASAH – A not-for-profit organization of private schools and agencies in New Jersey that provides highly specialized services to more than 11,000 infants, children and young adults with disabilities. ASAH works closely with its members and the New Jersey Department of Education to develop policy, promote effective educational practices and foster productive collaborations between private schools, public school districts and communities. For more information on ASAH, please visit their website.

Child Care ConnectionChild Care Connection – An organization committed to a range of programs and services that meet the needs of today’s families. Based in Trenton, the agency has a dedicated staff of 42 professionals with extensive experience in the fields of education, early care, and health and behavioral sciences. They also work with a pool of highly qualified consultants with expertise in human resources, organizational development and gerontology. For more information on Child Care Connection, please visit their website.

Ewing Public Education FoundationEwing Public Education Foundation – An independent, non-profit citizens’ organization dedicated to providing innovative educational experiences for students and the community of Ewing Township. EPEF continues its tradition of providing grants to Ewing Public Schools for innovative educational programs through fund raising, as well as corporate and institutional sponsorships. The grants recognize the need for innovative educational opportunities in a variety of areas and the creativity of our educators in meeting these needs. For more information on EPEF, please visit their website.

The Arc - MercerMercer ARC – An agency dedicated to reducing the incidence and limiting the consequence of developmental disabilities through prevention, education and advocacy. Programs are provided for those who need them, and opportunities for integration into the larger community are sought. For more information on Mercer ARC, please visit their website.

The Credit Union of New Jersey Foundation also supports:

Your support is crucial to helping us fulfill our mission. We invite you to join us and to get involved—either through volunteer work or donations. As you can see, there are a lot of organizations that need help, but with your assistance we’re up for the task. Visit our Make A Donation page or our Contact Us page to get started.

Enjoy the freedom to prosper. If you have questions about Who We Support, just give us a call at 609.538.4061 or 800.538.4061, email us at memberservices@cunj.org, or stop by one of our branches.

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