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Credit Union of New Jersey Host Reality Fair for Local High School

Credit Union of New Jersey, in conjunction with the New Jersey Credit Union League, is bringing Financial Literacy Fairs to local high school students in Mercer County. The fair will be held at Ewing High School in Ewing, NJ on Friday, May 16th. Approximately 250 high school students from Ewing High School will be in attendance.

The Reality Fair is a unique opportunity for students to experience some of the financial challenges they will face when they start life on their own. It’s a hands-on experience in which students identify their career choice and starting salaries, then complete a budget sheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food.

Additional expenditures such as entertainment and travel are factored in as well. Throughout the fair, there are many temptations for additional spending, and students must learn to balance their wants and needs to live on their own. After they have visited the various booths covering components of independent living, students will balance their budget, and then sit down with a financial counselor to review their standing.

“We currently partner with Credit Union of New Jersey with various educational programs and a student run branch located in our High School,” said Brian Bittings, District Supervisor for the Ewing Public Schools. “We are excited to partner again to educate students through a Reality Fair, which will put them in a simulation of managing finances when they are in the real world.”

Credit Union of New Jersey provides financial services to over 43,000 members through five full-service offices located in Mercer & Burlington Counties and an Internet branch at http://www.CUNJ.org. Established in 1943, the $311 million credit union is headquartered in Ewing Township. Membership information may be obtained by calling 609-538-4061 or visiting CUNJ.org.

Enjoy the freedom to prosper. If you have questions about Credit Union of New Jersey Host Reality Fair for Local High School, just give us a call at 609.538.4061 or 800.538.4061, email us at memberservices@cunj.org, or stop by one of our branches.

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